Monday, May 30, 2011

Summertime: Let the Fun Begin

Today is the unofficial mark of summer. For me it began in Friday, when the school year ended. And even though I love teaching Kinders, I love my own babies even more. This weekend was spent doing exactly that: loving on my babies, and, oh, how I loved on them.

We had dinner from a pouch.

We spent time playing in the sprinklers. Baby J actually warmed up to it a little bit this time.
 IMG_9991  IMG_9993IMG_0008
(as opposed to last time) IMG_9904

We ate Popsicles.

We spent time on the playground with our sweet cousin, M.
Daddy was a good man and gave into every playtime desire.

We finished off our weekend with Baby J's first swim, and there was a lot of love in that first swim. So much that he was very hard to hold onto. This little fish became so excited at the prospect of being a big boy that he kept trying to wriggle out of our arms and splash like his sister. This resulted in a large intake of water; however, like the resilient little boy he is, he just kept "swimming".


Happy Summer!


  1. sooo sweet! love the red hair, my mom and my husband's mom have red hair, and we were hoping, but none of our kids ended up with red!

  2. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. How sweet! It looks like you are in for a very, very fun summer. So exciting : ) Your babies are adorable!

