Tuesday, June 23, 2009

First Birthday!

Today was my sweet girl's 1st Birthday! This milestone has come and passed with many smiles, lots of giggles, and a few tears (most of them mine). It is with a happy, but also somewhat heavy heart that I put to bed an exhausted girl, as we had a full day filled with discovery. I am slightly weepy as I close the chapter on her first year of life. A year that has been filled with amazing changes and accomplishments. A year that has evolved me into the mother I have become. A year that I will never get back.

However, I am also so excited to move forward in our lives as each day I get to know the joyful and gregarious little girl my baby is becoming. A little girl that brightens my days with each passing moment we spend togehter. A little girl that has left the most amazing impact on my heart. I am so grateful to God for blessing me with her. Here are a few of my favorite photos from Mollie's first year of life. I tried to condense so it wouldn't be a slideshow of 50! ;)

Here are pictures of her 1st Birthday fun!

6:57 AM- June 23, 2009: Exactly
one year since birth

Enjoying blueberry pancakes. Yum! Yum!

So happy looking at ducks at the "Wetlands"

Fun at the Discovery Center

Wow! Checking out the water works.

Ignore the mismatched candle to the cake. I made the cake.
Josh picked out the candle without me. ;)

She loved the fondant. Who would've thought?

Smashed cake (with the help of Daddy).

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Summer Fun

Lots of summer fun to enjoy now that Mommy is on Summer Break. Enjoy!

