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Here's to Mollie and mine's 1st MTM!

Our 1st MT meal consisted of: milk, mango, carrots, broccoli/chicken casserole (in two tins) and sweet potatoes!

Double-fisted eating (notice she's at a little table now- she loves when I let her eat here).

Ooooooohhhhh! It's gooood!

Sad that it's almost all gone... :(
We can't wait for next week!
This MTM was thrown together very quickly, as we had just returned from a long weekend vacation. Mollie didn't eat as much as last time, which I blame on her having snacked throughout the day in our long 4.5 hour car ride home. Oh well, maybe next week.

It consisted of: grapes, chicken, milk, rice, green bean/peas, pumpkin
She ate all of the pumpkin and grapes, a third of the chicken, and picked at the rest, which she normally loves all of these foods.

So sleepy! She had only napped 30 minutes today. :(
**Sorry for the low quality photos. They were taken w/ my point-and-shoot b/c Josh had my camera. You can really tell a difference between the cameras.
Today's MTM was our first thematic MTM!
It was inspired by Mollie's favorite book: Mother Goose Baby Nursery Rhymes.

Milk and a "dog bone" biscuit- "Hey, Diddle, Diddle"
Pumpkin- "Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater"
Eggs- "Humpty Dumpty"
"Clock face" toast and applesauce - "Hickory, Dickory, Dock"
Blueberries- "Rain, Rain, Go Away"
The "dog bone" biscuit didn't turn out the way I'd imagined it, but overall I was pleased. Of course, Mollie loved it all.......well, all but the eggs. She's very concerned w/ her food's textures. Eggs were a no-go. :)
Today's theme was "Party/Celebrate". Since I was at school all day, we did our MTM for dinner and made it more of a "Fiesta". ;)

Milk, black beans, taco meat, cheese, tortilla, mango

She loves her "new" sippy cup (actually we've had it since one of my baby showers, but she just figured out the straw)
Cute idea!