The best part of today was at the end of the day when it was time to put Mollie to bed. Normally, she fights sleep as if it is her mortal enemy. However, today was slightly different. We followed our same routine of bath, nurse, brush teeth, books, and slow dance. I always close our evening with a little slow dance while I sing, "Slow dancing and swaying with my Mollie...slow dancing... just me and my girl". Typically, Mollie sits in my arms and stares at me while I do this. Sometimes she flails her body around and screams- already gearing up for her nightly battle. However, tonight she serenely laid her head on my chest and held onto my shoulders as I danced and sang. It was one of the most endearing and tender moments of my life. Being her mother is truly the most special gift God could ever give. It is as though I was drowning in the mundane of my life and having her has resuscitated it. I have never been happier.

I also end every night with Robert Munsch's heart-warming line, "I love you forever, I like you for always, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be". Truer words have never been spoken.
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